This essay will address
the regional language in the era of globalization to avoid losing and can
parallel to national and international languages. Globalization has strengthen
a foreign language such as English as the language of communication between
nations. As seen in the fact, the use of regional languages began to decrease,
especially among the younger generation. There are two points that are focused
in this essay: mastery ethno-pedagogy
on teachers and empowering the local
Maintain of regional language
as educators of regional language teaching in school must be qualified, have a
multicultural educational background, as well as having mastery ethno-pedagogy
which is an approach to education that relies on the values of local
communities. To produce professional teacher, it needs an institution of
education providers for candidate of teacher known as LPTK. LPTK which is one of the central institutions as a strategic and
important in the provision of teachers, need to consider in the future a group
of practitioners ethno-pedagogy (Alwasilah 2012: 118). Government needs
cooperate with LPTK in relation to teacher certification program by replacing
the PLPG program with PPG program,
because PPG has a training program that longer time than PLPG who was one year.
So, they are more focused on how to become a professional teacher, because the
teacher must be able to provide motivation and inspiration to students so that
they feel proud to use the regional language.
Preservation of regional language is one of empowerment of local wisdom. Education should introduce students to understand and practice the local wisdom before national
and global wisdom (Alwasilah 2012: 84).
The introduction of a number of local wisdom can be done by introducing some
literary works of regional such as poetry and fiction Sunda in foreign language
study programs, imposed a lectures curriculum writing based on the regional
literature, and others. In this case, local wisdom plays a role in balancing
global swift currents that are hitting our culture, especially in regional language
retention. So in this era of globalization any local culture including regional
languages will still exist.
In the modern era of globalization
today use regional language began to decrease, many people who underestimated
the regional language because the regional language considers does not have
potential as a tool of scientific thinking and just language in daily
conversation. Ways in the preservation of local languages on the way down as a
shield to prevent the extinction of regional languages began to decrease.
Alwasilah, A. Chaedar. (2012).Pokoknya
Rekayasa Literasi. Bandung: PT Kiblat Buku Utama.
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